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Criminal Investigation Division

The Criminal Investigations Division (CID) is responsible for the investigation of crimes that occur in Mississippi County. The Investigator’s duties include but are not limited to processing crime scenes through collecting and interpreting physical evidence. The Investigators are also responsible for interviewing witnesses and suspects and documenting the crime scenes through photographs and written observations so these documents may be presented to the prosecutor in a case file of the crime being investigated. It is the commitment of the CID to strive for excellence and professionalism when identifying crime, solving crime and obtaining convictions that enhance the quality of life for the citizens and visitors of Mississippi County. The CID division for the Mississippi County Sheriff’s Office consists of a secretary and six full-time investigators led by a CID Commander.

We also have two investigators (not pictured) assigned to the Mississippi County Sheriff's Office Drug Task Force. 

  Employment photo of Captain Preston Williams.  
  Capt. Preston Williams
CID Commander
Employee photo of Austin Griffin. Employment photo of Sgt. Trey Johnson. Employment photo of Sgt. Danny Bishop.
Sgt. Austin Griffin
Sgt. Trey Johnson
Sgt. Danny Bishop
  Employment photo of Lt. Chris Griggs. Employment photo of Sgt. Elonzo Cummings.
Sgt. Matthew Richardson
Lt. Christopher Griggs
Sgt. Elonzo Cummings
Employment photo of Sgt. Jeremy Sharp. Employee photo of Hunter Taylor.  
Sgt. Jeremy Sharp
Cpl. Hunter Taylor


Street Crimes Unit Group Photo
Mississippi County Sheriff's Office Street Crimes Unit

The Street Crimes Unit was established in June of 2017 by Sheriff Dale Cook. It consists of Criminal Investigators, Drug Task Force Officers, Patrol Deputies, Reserve Deputies, and Manila Police Officers. 

It is a multipurpose unit whose main function is to combat mid to low level drug crimes including burglaries and thefts.  Since its induction, the Street Crimes Unit has been very successful in the number of arrests made and in recovering stolen property.