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Dispatch Center

The Telecommunications Center is a twenty-four hour, seven days a week operation. They are responsible for monitoring staff and detainee movements through secure areas and monitoring all alarms. 

The Telecommunication Center handles emergency 911 calls for service as well as wireless calls, non-emergency, and allied agency calls. The calls for service range from in-progress crimes such as a robbery or an assault to non-emergency calls, such as past petty thefts or loud music disturbance calls. The Dispatch Center is also responsible for the dispatching of patrol units to calls for service.

In addition, they enter data in the CAD system; perform computer inquiries into ACIC/NCIC when requested by certified officers; enter and maintain stolen property, vehicles, warrants served and missing persons into ACIC/NCIC; and work with the Office of Emergency Management in monitoring and issuing emergency notifications. 

  Employee photo of Meredith Champion.  
  Meredith Champion
Chief Telecommunicator
    Employee photo of Micah Smith. Employee photo of Lisa Bearden.
Elissa Bowers

Micah Smith

Lisa Bearden

  Employee photo of Lindsey Davis. Employee photo of Katie McKellep. Employee photo of Wes Souders.
Marie Burse

Lindsey Davis

Katie McKellep

Wes Souders

Employee picture of Ashley Rolland.      
Ashley Rolland