Fall Weather
Fall Weather Tips
Though it’s been hard to tell lately, Fall is here. The days are getting shorter and the leaves are changing colors. When we finally get to turn the heat on, we need to keep in mind some fall safety tips.
- Make sure your heat sources are functioning properly before turning them on for the season. It’s important to have them serviced by a professional.
- Make sure your smoke alarms and carbon monoxide detectors have fresh batteries and are in good working condition. Use the test button to make sure the alarm sounds properly.
- Never leave open flames unattended. Whether it be candles, wood burning stoves, or fireplaces always make sure flames and embers are completely out before leaving your home.
- Don’t store flammable liquids or powders near heat sources. There are many items that can combust by simply being heated. And remember to keep all articles away from open flames.
Some other fall weather events to consider:
- Falling leaves are beginning to collect on the roadway, use caution when driving through them. According to Safe Bee (a safety information sharing site powered by the global independent safety science company, UL) wet leaves can be just as dangerous as ice. And piling leaves can hide potholes and other road hazards.
- In the Fall, night time temperatures often are dramatically lower than day time temperatures. As a result, early morning commutes can be foggy and wet. Always use extreme caution in these conditions by slowing your speed, making sure your headlights are on (daylight running lights aren’t enough to be seen through dense fog and high beams actually decrease your visibility in fog), and increasing your distance with the vehicle in front of you.
When Fall weather is finally here to stay, I hope you will consider these tips and have a safe and enjoyable season. It’s a great time of year! Thank you for helping keep Mississippi County safe.
Sheriff Aubry D. Cook